Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dating Donts for Guys

Top Five Dating Mistakes Guys Keep Making

Dating may not be easy, but it isn't rocket science either. Take note of the following five things you as a guy should never do on a date or the dating dont's for guys.


Never lie about who you are with a woman, because she will find out the truth eventually. When you act natural, you're much more likable. Pretending turns a date off quickly and leads her to believe you've got something to hide. If the two of you don't hit it off simply by being yourselves, there wasn't much between you anyway. Also, an act can be hard to keep up with, especially if you're going out more than once. Don't be afraid of who you really are, what your job really is or how much money you've got in the bank, it's you she's looking to get to know, so show off your real personality instead.

Not Really Listening

Even if you aren't all that enthusiastic about the topic of conversation, listening is a skill you must master when dating. Paying attention to what's important to her will ease nervousness and open her up to the possibilities of getting to know you better.


Unless Kate Upton walks in suited up for the SI swimsuit edition, keep your eyes on your date. Tell your date you like things about the way she looks, like her clothes or hair.

Moving Too Fast

Girls hate it when you expect too much too soon, because it really belittles who they are as a person. It makes them feel like they aren't important, or that you could be dating anyone for that purpose alone. Let her know she's special by doting on her rather than putting any kind of pressure on her by your expectations. Things can progress naturally at a pace you both can live with if it works out. Otherwise, you might just get an abrupt cold shoulder and no further contact.

Not Calling Back

If you're really interested in a girl, give her a call back or shoot her a text. In the event that you really don't want to hook up again, let her know that too.

While the rules of dating may not be set in stone, there are many things you've got to keep in mind. Your date will see right through to a great person and want to know more.

Pretending turns a date off quickly and leads her to believe you've got something to hide. Don't be afraid of who you really are, what your job really is or how much money you've got in the bank, it's you she's looking to get to know, so show off your real personality instead.

Unless Kate Upton walks in suited up for the SI swimsuit edition, keep your eyes on your date. Tell your date you like things about the way she looks, like her clothes or hair. While the rules of dating may not be set in stone, there are many things you've got to keep in mind.

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